BEM™ (Broadband Electro-MagneticS), Non-Destructive Testing
BEM™ is a proven, global technique with several competitive NDT advantages. Its accuracy for mapping corrosion and identifying discreet or localised flaws in ferrous infrastructures such as pipelines, storage tanks, ship hulls, and a variety of objects has been independently verified and supported.
It is also a truly non-destructive method, as it doesn’t require the removal of linings or coatings for inspections and subsequent refurbishment. Rock Solid Group has BEM™ tools for both internal and external scanning for pipes from 150mm (6-inch) up to beyond 2.4 metre diameter pipelines (96-inch).
BEM™ before Bust!
Pipe failures are happening regularly in major cities around the world on almost a daily basis as aged infrastructure approaches the end of their manufactured remaining life. Utilities around the world with asset management responsibilities have a growing awareness of the need to BEM™ before Bust!
BEM™ Advantages!
BEM™ is available in different configurations like the simple Hand Scanning Kit (HSK) to complex remotely operated submersible devices – applicable to any diameter or shape. You can engage the full range of specialised services, rent/buy the equipment or become a licensee. Certified training also available.
There are numerous benefits and advantages of BEM™ over other technologies for measuring wall thickness.
BEM™- Industries / Regions / Licensees / Customers
Into its third decade, BEM™ has become the technology of choice for a diverse range of customers across the Water, Wastewater, Gas and Nuclear power, Mining and Manufacturing Plant industries.
Our BEM™ customer base spans the globe and is serviced both directly and via our BEM™ Licensees and Strategic Partners.
Our RSG AIM is an artificial intelligence tool that has been developed on the basis of Bayesian logic to provide a client with:
A stand-alone current evaluation of a pressure pipe network (A system health check)
As a tool to determine if invasive is needed and focus such investigation to areas determined by the audit data with recommendations for appropriate techniques
As a tool to identify replacement, remedial and repair works and where appropriate possible methodologies
Recommendations for on-going inspection, investigation both invasive and non-invasive
The tool also creates the basic information and methodology for ongoing condition assessment of the asset.
EXCOR™ Geochemical Soil Sampling
Soil samples are collected and sealed in PVC containers for shipping to our preferred soil testing laboratory.
The laboratory output results summarize the following:
A brief description of the key characteristics of the soil
Soil resistivity (natural) (Ωm)
Minimal resistivity (Ωm)
Moisture (%)
Redox potential (mV)
An overview of the soil samples alkalinity, aeration and level of corrosivity to the material type of the asset being inspected.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
UT ‘pinpoint’ position wall thickness data is usually collected on site both for cross-correlation to BEM™ as a quick and easy additional data source. UT has limitations with rough, uneven, dirty or coated surfaces. It also has some shortfalls when testing Cast Iron and Ductile Iron assets for thickness readings, due to the physical and metallurgic properties of these material types.
One of the learning from the Critical Pipe5-year study was that leaking pressure mains is a pre-warning for a potential burst. Acoustic Leak Detection (ALD), is a common condition assessment tool. Rock Solid Group has completed a number of pipeline condition assessment projects that included a step for ALD.
Equipment Rental or Purchase / Field Technician Training
Avoid falling steel poles or sewer vent stacks
Wall Thickness & Reinforcement Surveys
Geotechnical and Geophysical services via www.rocksolidearth.com.au
Rock Solid Group is a Melbourne based Infrastructure Technical Services provider for corrosion assessment of high value and critical infrastructure assets.
Our BEM™ (Broadband Electro-Magnetic method) technique is a global leading, patented technology in Non-Destructive Testing that is Australian developed and privately owned.
To service our global customer base who are largely in Water, Waste Water, Nuclear Power, Mining and Commercial industries, we have our Head-office in Melbourne, Australia, an office in Europe and a selection of highly skilled BEM™ Licensee’s and Strategic Partners, including global engineering and specialty pipeline maintenance entities.
Our end client list over the past 30 years is both extensive and impressive. Our most recent direct and licensee/strategic partners projects include: Sydney Water, South Australia Water, Queensland Urban Utilities, Unity Water, Rio Tinto, Trility, DC Water, New Jersey Gas, North American and European Nuclear Power Generating Plants, Thames Estuary Asset Management 2100 programme (TEAM2100) and Budapest Water.
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You may also email or call us to make an appointment.
[+61 3] 9335 6122